Data4Industry-X will be showcased on Plattform 4.0 booth on Hall 8
14h20 - Roundtable entitled : “Data Spaces and Data Act, the new rules for accessing industrial data”. Together with Alexandre Bounough, CEO at CEA List, Jean-Pascal Riss, Vice President Strategic Partnerships and Sustainability at Schneider Electric, Jean-Baptiste Burtscher, Director Group External Affairs and R&D Partnerships at Valeo, and Laurent Lafaye, Co-CEO at Dawex, the panelists will explore the impact of the European #DataAct on the implementation of trusted industry data spaces.
Join Data4Industry-X on Plattform Industry 4.0 booth - Hall 8 D26
Offering the most flexible and advanced data exchange solution to industry stakeholders to improve operational efficiency and meet decarbonization objectives.
Paris, France - April 22, 2024 - Data4Industry-X, the trusted data exchange solution for Industry, carries on its dynamics to bring the most comprehensive and flexible solution on the market for industrial organizations aiming at boosting competitiveness and minimizing carbon footprint. Recognized as a Gaia-X Lighthouse project and contributing to the Manufacturing-X initiative, the Data4Industry-X solution is designed to accelerate data & information exchange between global organizations, subsidiaries and suppliers by leveraging the most advanced, secure and compliant data exchange technology on the market.
Bringing together the best-in-class technological and industrial expertise in France to foster a competitive and sustainable European Industry
Paris, France - February 8, 2024 - Today marks the signature of Data4Industry-X, the trusted, secure, compliant and sovereign data exchange environment for the Industry sector, under the control of the industry. Initially addressing the automotive and power generation industry challenges, the solution Data4Industry-X aims at improving competitiveness and reducing the carbon footprint of major global industrial organizations with operations spread across multiple countries. Data4Industry-X will enable organizations to innovate and operate services on distributed data, coming from various factories, organizations or countries, while keeping control over the data produced locally and abroad.
You are keen in receiving more information about Data4Insdustry-X or need to reach out to us? We will be happy to reconnect with you. Feel free to contact us.